RST and ILC design for I/B-Loop

The examples here will consider designing the RST and ILC controllers for the current loop. A design for the field loop will be very similar. For simplicity, the examples will consider the desired control parameters taken from the default function (see API Reference):

>>> import pyfresco.obcd as cd
>>> device = 'RFNA.866.01.ETH2'
>>> user_pars_ib = cd.get_default_i(device)
>>> user_pars_ib
<pyfresco.obcd.props.UiParams object at 0x7f1b94368160>

>>> vars(user_pars_ib)
{'des_bw': 133.3333334, 'des_z': 0.8, 'des_mm': 0.5, 'n_integrators': 2, 'ref_delay': 0, 'opt_method': 'Hinf',
'n_r': 6, 'n_s': 6, 'n_t': 6, 'n_ilc': 5, 'n_q': 5, 'q_bw': 400.0, 'control_mode': 'I', 'test_select': False, 'noise_rej': [], 'debug': False}

>>> fgc_ib = cd.FgcProperties.from_fgc_ib(user_pars_ib, device)
>>> fgc_ib
<pyfresco.obcd.props.FgcProperties object at 0x7f1b943684a8>

>>> vars(fgc_ib)
{'LOAD.OHMS_SER': 9.9999997e-06, 'LOAD.OHMS_MAG': 0.13600001, 'LOAD.OHMS_PAR': 100000000.0, 'LOAD.HENRYS': 0.0063999998,
'VS.FIRING.DELAY': 0.00166667, 'VS.ACT_DELAY_ITERS': 1.5, 'REG.I.PERIOD_ITERS': 5.0, 'FGC.ITER_PERIOD': 9.9999997e-05,

Model-based design (I/B)

The model-based design uses the FGC properties to design a controller. It is thus imperative that the correct load properties are set in the FGC. This method can be used in cases where a frequency response measurement cannot be obtained from a particular power converter. The model-based design can be completed by simply calling the following functions:

>>> X = cd.OptimizeIB(fgc_ib, user_pars_ib)
>>> opt_result, df_sens, margins = X.model_opt()
>>> vars(opt_result)
{'R': array([10.58623286, -5.57877783, -6.82957127, -3.67676923,  5.35465179, 0.31557969]),
'S': array([ 1.        , -0.60378036, -0.81877469, -0.21697569,  0.30539692, 0.33413383]),
'T': array([ 2.82797628, -0.6342463 , -0.39158306, -1.2070911 , -0.47758528, 0.05387546]),
'dtrack': 3.4554860956062403,
'L': array([ 0.15354691, -0.43997275,  0.60930577, -0.46870985,  2.23952406, -5.02945471,  1.24076391,  4.6586344 , -3.39532177,  2.07031252, -0.64104597]),
'Q': array([ 5.25225103e-04, -1.24165523e-03,  6.52180501e-03,  1.08316106e-02, 1.67918023e-01,  6.30889983e-01,  1.67918023e-01,  1.08316106e-02, 6.52180501e-03, -1.24165523e-03,  5.25225103e-04])}

The opt_result object contains both the RST and ILC filter parameters (along with REG.I.EXTERNAL.TRACK_DELAY_PERIODS given by the parameter dtrack). The results from the optimization problem can then be sent to the FGC as follows:

>>> cd.FgcProperties.to_fgc_ib(opt_result, user_pars_ib, device)

The output dataframe df_sens contains the closed-loop sensitivity functions, and is discussed in Sensitivity functions. Finally, margins contains the calculated robustness margins (in dictionary format) of the closed-loop system: modulus_margin, gain_margin, phase_margin and delay_margin.

Data-driven design (I/B)

To perform a data-driven design, the frequency response from V_REF to I_MEAS is needed (or V_REF to B_MEAS for field control). Let us suppose that a PRBS or sine-fit experiment was performed with the following frequency response

>>> df_freq
           f        gain       phase
0       1.220852   16.797757  -20.015512
1       2.441704   15.510021  -36.172323
2       3.662556   13.963785  -47.810938
3       4.883409   12.442825  -56.015474
4       6.104261   11.044407  -61.922417
..           ...         ...         ...

The data-driven design can then be completed by simply calling the following functions:

>>> X = cd.OptimizeIB(fgc_ib, user_pars_ib)
>>> opt_result, df_sens, margins = X.data_opt(df_freq)
>>> vars(opt_result)
{'R': array([10.82914723, -6.04830058, -6.37072024, -4.0319094 ,  5.5032835 , 0.30051736]),
'S': array([ 1.        , -0.60540888, -0.81165273, -0.21422895,  0.28505159, 0.34623896]),
'T': array([ 2.86164262, -0.66994455, -0.34357477, -1.21909757, -0.49924941, 0.05224155]),
'dtrack': 3.411909048893395,
'L': array([ 0.75694795, -1.38435525,  1.11347752, -0.59444607,  2.40050818, -5.41419615,  1.86901783,  4.13754392, -4.15915052,  4.43455996, -2.29519351]),
'Q': array([ 0.00076679, -0.0014831 ,  0.00658921,  0.01081398,  0.16783134, 0.63096355,  0.16783134,  0.01081398,  0.00658921, -0.0014831 , 0.00076679])}