Sensitivity functions

As described in the RST and voltage loop synthesis (see RST and ILC design for I/B-Loop and Controller design for V-Loop), one of the output arguments from the optimization algorithm is df_sens; for current and field control, this variable is a list where each index of the list contains multiple sensitivity functions (in a dataframe format). The gain [dB] and phase [deg] are given for each sensitivity function. The example below shows the sensitivity function columns names for current and field control.

>>> df_sens[0].columns
MultiIndex([(        'Sensitivity_r_y',  'gain'),
            (        'Sensitivity_r_y', 'phase'),
            (       'Sensitivity_dy_y',  'gain'),
            (       'Sensitivity_dy_y', 'phase'),
            (       'Sensitivity_dv_y',  'gain'),
            (       'Sensitivity_dv_y', 'phase'),
            (        'Sensitivity_n_y',  'gain'),
            (        'Sensitivity_n_y', 'phase'),
            (        'Sensitivity_r_u',  'gain'),
            (        'Sensitivity_r_u', 'phase'),
            ('Sensitivity_r_y_DESIRED',  'gain'),
            ('Sensitivity_r_y_DESIRED', 'phase')],

These sensitivity functions correspond to the functions used in Current/Field Control.

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \mathcal{S}_{ry} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_r_y} \\ \mathcal{S}_{ry}^d & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_r_y_DESIRED} \\ \mathcal{S}_{rv_r} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_r_u} \\ \mathcal{S}_{d_yy} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_dy_y} \\ \mathcal{S}_{d_vy} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_dv_y} \\ \mathcal{S}_{n_yy} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_n_y} \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

For voltage control, the output variable df_sens is simply a dataframe.

>>> df_sens.columns
    MultiIndex([(        'Sensitivity_r_y_damping',  'gain'),
                (        'Sensitivity_r_y_damping', 'phase'),
                (        'Sensitivity_r_y_voltage',  'gain'),
                (        'Sensitivity_r_y_voltage', 'phase'),
                (          'Sensitivity_dy_y_damp',  'gain'),
                (          'Sensitivity_dy_y_damp', 'phase'),
                (          'Sensitivity_dy_y_volt',  'gain'),
                (          'Sensitivity_dy_y_volt', 'phase'),
                ('Sensitivity_r_y_damping_DESIRED',  'gain'),
                ('Sensitivity_r_y_damping_DESIRED', 'phase'),
                ('Sensitivity_r_y_voltage_DESIRED',  'gain'),
                ('Sensitivity_r_y_voltage_DESIRED', 'phase')],

These sensitivity functions correspond to the functions used in Voltage Control.

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \mathcal{S}_{v_dv_0} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_r_y_damping} \\ \mathcal{S}_{v_dv_0}^d & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_r_y_damping_DESIRED} \\ \mathcal{S}_{v_rv_0} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_r_y_voltage} \\ \mathcal{S}_{v_rv_0}^d & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_r_y_voltage_DESIRED} \\ \mathcal{S}_{d_{v_0}v_0} \text{(with voltage loop open)} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_dy_y_damp} \\ \mathcal{S}_{d_{v_0}v_0} \text{(with voltage loop closed)} & \Rightarrow \texttt{Sensitivity_dy_y_volt} \end{aligned}\end{split}\]